Thursday 19 July 2012


Yes, that is right.
Rabbits have increased by one - which seems to mean our invaders (actually boarders as they have a burrow somewhere in the bramble patch) are poor breeders. I wonder if Brer Fox has been in the bramble patch?

As to the jays they are everywhere cackling and squawking like a load of witches from That Play. In fact they are timid if approached - twitchy witches.

So, rain on Monday.
Tuesday deadheading and I collected a load of aquilegia seed and sealed it in a brown paper envelope.
Whilst picking raspberries R came across a triffid nettle five feet high which bit her, I pulled out two stout stems and I was stung.
I also collected blackcurrants by the handful so I could pick them over whilst watching the TV in the evening.
Some of the raspberries are now jam, the rest eaten with meringue and ice cream.

Wednesday it rained all night and the garden was soaked and squelchy. The rain eased early and later in the day and we cut back all the aquilegia stems and weeded and deadheaded and trimmed as we went.

The first, yes the first, sweet peas are in a vase and smelling heavenly. 
Suddenly there seem to be more bees in the garden - it is a pity they do not eat slugs and snails. My new attempt at a delphinium came to an abrupt halt yesterday when something mollusc assassinated the growing stem.

We are watching our flowers and praying they will come right for next week as we are providing small decorations for the tables at our son's wedding.
So, naturally I give you a multiple image of borage (not suitable except in a Pimms or G and T), Alliums (now over) and a mixture of honesty and wallflowers (also over). It is just that I had these pics in my Blog file and thought I would use them.

Some plants are getting too rampant - Mimulus in the pond and stream, a white campanula in one of the main beds and japanese anemones all over the place. I must remember to deal with them in the autumn. I do not chuck them away but try and find a corner where they can do their thing without me worrying.

Time to nip out and gather some more blackcurrants to distract me from the tv.
We had our first broad beans last night - yum! 
It is amazing into what horse manure can be turned!

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