Sunday 21 February 2016


At last we have had some cold, frosty sunny weather at last.
The last rose has not yet gone - a delight in February.

Been out with my assassination spray to attack the moss, algae and liverwort on the paths. There is not due to be any rain for a while (amazing!) so we will see if it works.
I have also, reluctantly, purchased some stump killer for one or two of the unruly ash.

Je suis fatigue.
Just pruned big buddleia hedge and the cut leaved elder and dragged the prunings up to the bonfire. It is always a delight because I find last years birds' nests of which I was not aware - this time what looks like a hedge sparrow (dunnock) and a chaffinch.

And snowdrops in abundance. At least we cannot have an overpopulation of these harbingers of spring. By summer they will have all but gone - a few leaves remaining. Can't say the same for the miserable human race - harbingers of - ? 
The Arab Spring is looking more and more like an Arab Winter. 
I also find Russia fascinating - perhaps it is its sheer size that needs it to be ruled by a dictator - whether one calls him (it is usually a him) a Tsar or a Prime Minister (or President in waiting). (Apologies to Catherine the Great and then other three Empresses between 1725 and 1796.)

To more important matters - went to a funeral of one of the best gardeners I have known. It was delightfully different and she would have loved it. At least we have plants and some beautifully carved wooden pots by which to remember Sue.

We had a wonderful sharp sunny winter day with which to say goodbye.

The primroses are about to flower too, the first yellow tipped buds appearing on the banking. We divided them last year as well and replanted to give a show later in the spring. We will do the same this year to increase them.

The Hamamelis x intermedia 'Aphrodite' is in full flower and lighting up the lower banking.

The whole garden is looking in better shape after the tidy and weed and compost spreading. It is not finished yet (is it ever) but at least we seem to be getting somewhere.

There is no frogspawn in the pond so far. I have not resolved the liner problem but it does look better. I need to make some sort of cover for the drainage trench so it does not look like roadworks.
R has been out picking the Corsican Hellebore and floating the flowers in water in a bowl - looks good.

So we beetle off to sit on the grandchildren and whilst we are away - guess what - it RAINS!
Oh! yes - and when we get back the phone is dead.
It never rains but it - you know . . .  

1 comment:

  1. Thought provoking comments.
    The first that comes to mind is about what happens to our gardens when we pass on. (Regarding ours, I think whoever takes it on after our day will bring in a JCB. for a start.) We do try but fail miserably I am afraid.To the former matter though, I witnessed the demise of the garden of a local house which was on the market for over a year. `Couldn`t help wondering what the previous owner would have felt about it. Silly thoughts perhaps but nevertheless they did sadly cross my mind. The next matter, was the witch hazel. Having toyed with the idea of planting one, I now think it a must. I loved R`s idea about the hellebore flowers. I hope R. will not mind if I copy.Never claiming it as my own idea of course.
