Wednesday 12 April 2017


Quirks first - lots of lovely spring flowers like these calendulas - they overwintered and are flowering! There is also lots of seed around where I failed to dead head so . . .? R has been at the daffs doing a stirling job dead heading them as they go over so they can get ready for next year. Yesterday I judged at the Rusland Spring Show - the arts section! Ok with photos, paintings and poems but felt hats and Ruskin Lace, I have to admit, are not my forte.

Another oddity is that we have bluebells in flower - early - two weeks early this year. Is this the sign of changing seasons with climate change? Though we are enjoying a few days of sun overall, the changing weather has become colder and WETTER.

To the blossom itself, loads of it - only hope the odd frost doesn't mean no fruit - damsons to start -

Prunus shirotae

Great white cherry

Victoria plum


Pyrus salicifolia pendula - the weeping silver pear (very thorny).

I have been a-hoeing as the sycamore has inundated the garden with seedings - everywhere including in the grass. One of the snags with having an, albeit, small patch of woodland are seedlings and suckers. The worst culprit for the latter are the damsons - they send up new plants all over the place from their roots.

On Sunday last I sat out in the morning - it was in the low 20s C - came in for lunch and went out again - low 10s! Monday and it is 7.5C at lunchtime.

When one writes a blog here there are a labels to select from on the top right - at one point my choice reads - Poem, pond, Prince Charles, rat! Very eclectic.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely Calendulas. Much under-valued I think. Thank you again. Our white "Blue"bells are more advanced than the "blue"bells.
