Tuesday 19 December 2017



I had a dream may have been said somewhere else but the other night - ! I was in the rough to the left of the sixth fairway at Ulverston golf course playing football with my friends I and S. I was dressed casually, S wore only shorts and I was stark naked lying on my back in the dew laden grass. Further to the left was not the fourth fairway but a river and behind that rose an enormous monochrome mountain with snow. I was somewhat concerned with my nudity but S told me not to worry, no one will notice. And they didn't. Passing golfers seemed to regard what was happening as nothing out of the ordinary. Then I woke up.
Later the same night I was in a car driving down a lane having waited ten minutes to get out of the Greenodd village turning when something felt wrong. I pulled into a passing place on my left and got out to find the inner tube of a tractor tyre under the car - just as a tractor thundered towards me. The driver denied it was his. Then I woke again.
I could not identify anything unusual I had eaten as I am on a diet to try and shed some lard pre Christmas.

So there you are - the weather is definitely not balmy but perhaps I am (barmy).
Back to gardening with three of views from behind the house - one a panorama.

It is this end of the house that will, hopefully, sprout our extension.

Out digging over a veg bed - it his cold, I am old and won't be told - north wind, coat, gloves and after an hour that is enough.

One problem in the garden are rushes - the damp helps - I have even just dug some young plants from the veg bed. This pic is of what once was the bridleway up the field behind the house. Then a local farmer dug it out and left a ditch, the contents of which come into our garden as our small stream. As you can see there is the odd rush growing beside it. So no wonder we have a problem.

Cannot keep up with the weather - pouring today with flooding down the road and 7C, Saturday black ice on the road to the extent R slipped and broke her R wrist. One man stuff for a while but at least she has a doctor to nurse her. Ah! The well laid plans of Christmas. At least her purple wallflower Erysimum Bowles Mauve is still at it (and she has bought four more from the man on the market.)

The white amaryllis R bought has flowered and we thought it was over but - now we have a new bud coming and I am feeding it. It will probably not flower until January but a bonus. The others are tired and we have only managed to get a small new bulb - after 4 years of flowers. I have not decided yet whether to just throw them away or try and fatten them next year.
The squirrels just keep getting fatter as if they have to eat and eat in case Kim and Trump decide to have a ding dong - they are like two small boys who have been given a AK47 to play with the way they go on. And if they carry on many innocents will get hurt (isn't that always the case).
They ought to be made to watch the 295 episodes of Last of the Summer Wine - more men behaving like children.

ps Yes I have been mucking about with the layout - clearer now.

1 comment:

  1. We are having low 70's this week with a cold front expected Christmas Day. Weather has changed tremendously since I was a kid some 60 years ago. Seemed to be a lot more cool/cold back then.
