Saturday, 8 February 2025



is legs that work, brain that works, and some chocolate

I have had to resort to walking with a rollator

in between falling over. I cannot drive my automatic car. My days of golf are over and I am fed up with hospitals. I was banned from climbing the ladder into the loft to get down the Christmas decorations.

At the midwinter solstice and the wind was howling in the trees, rain hammering the windows and dark at four o’clock.

The garden is a mess but underneath the magnolia stellata by the door daffodils and snowdrops have pushed up from the earth.

We have had some snow briefly but it soon went.

The commonest animal we see are delivery men and the postman -  but the heron is back by the pond. So are the pair of mallard. Glad I am not a frog, or newt, or toad.

C has given us a hedgehog house for Christmas. Might move in there soon.

Apparently I have something called cervical myelopathy. After trying Preston NHS treatment was to be in months so my son got me an appointment, albeit privately, in Leeds.

I am now waiting for a neck operation to sort out my prolapsed discs that are pressing on my spinal cord.


Not gardening so R has brought in the professionals. For now it is her garden.

Typing is hard work as my arms and hands do not move under my control.

Here are some pics. Next blog - ?when as fingers not working very well.

My revolution is done, now for Rosey.