Sunday 19 September 2010


Yes, its pouring down again.
Yesterday managed to get compost to R's new bed by the Wendy House, pull up the last of the carrots for dinner and one parsnip - the latter was so big and had a root forked into three - that it will do for two meals - diced and boiled, then mashed with some horseradish sauce.
I am not looking forward to digging up some of the horseradish root, peeling it and grating it.
You think onions are the worst - well, think again!

So on this dismal day let us have some sunny colour.

Having said that - there is a large clump of this Helianthus by the gate which was flowering wonderfully. Then we had a couple of days of rain and 80% went over and needed dead heading.

The clump is getting too big and will need excavating and replanting - somewhere it can ramp about.

In the spring I saw pictures of Surfinas in a catalogue tumbling profusely out of hanging baskets.
Mm! I wondered, would they do the same down the banking out side the front of the house?
The answer is no, not really. They have done a bit and sort of tried to fill in the odd gap but their colours clash with everything else and I am not really pro pinky purply petals.

So both the Surfinas and terrible alliteration can go on the compost heap together.

The pheasants have taken shelter under the rhododendrons by the top fence where they have the nest - hen and two chicks. There were three but . . . .

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