Monday, 6 September 2010


When we first came to the nook one of the large ash trees developed Honey Fungus!
We had to have this taken down and I took a chance and had it chopped into logs for the woodburner.
Not a great idea.
Within three years the log pile was infested with the black wirey strands of Honey Fungus hyphae.
So we had an enormous bonfire and burned the lot. Now we pray that that has done the job.
We did have an uninfected (we hope) part of the main trunk chainsawn into a seat. You can just see it under the foliage lower middle left in this picture.

In the darkest part of the far garden I planted six white birches
bought from Weasdale Nurseries.

Five are thriving though there was a moth caterpillar infestation last year.
One has developed a nasty black patch on the trunk - so - scrape it and paint it and hope.

It always amazes me the vast number of twigs that fall or are blown off the trees - especially the ash trees.
We regularly collect them and pile them in the rough grass at the far end ready for a bonfire.

There is a fallen dead tree at the far end which we have left. It was there when we came and is a favourite perch for the buzzard (when the rooks let it settle).

There is another dead tree that fell over the wall from next door. Fortunately the wall is intact but, apart from cutting off the branches, I have been tardy with the chainsaw on the rest.

This may be because I do not have a chainsaw?

It may be because I am just putting it off - much more likely.

I am alone in the house - R is in the Wendy House for the first time, writing.

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