The battle with the blackbirds goes on - I wish I had put in a fruit cage now - the redcurrants are decimated, blackcurrants going the same way and raspberries half eaten. Yesterday I caught a blackbird caught within the netting I had put around the fruit.The plums and apples look ok but the pears, greengages and to some extent damsons have fallen foul of the late spring frost.
R's saga with the mallard goes on and then I caught them on the camera walking up the garden top the field, presumably on their way to the Mill Dam a third of a kilometre away.
Bad back! Its is not the scything that does it but the raking of the cut grass.
Bees have been mentioned - my daughter and her family have a guest hive in their field in Herefordshire. It would help with pollination? We seem to have mainly bumble bees.
It is the season of Oxeye daisies - albeit wild they give a dazzling display.
Just caught a jay in the squirrel trap again. In the local paper their was an offer to take away (and cull) grey squirrels but if someone else is going to kill them is that much different from me doing it - I'd have still done 'em in.
Having to take a break as bad back - more pressure to get help in the garden - can still pick raspberries though (when I am not eating them).
And so to birdlife in the garden - the greater spotted woodpecker feeding its offspring thought the latter is as bias the adult.
Under the feeders the hen pheasant collects the cast off bits of peanuts and seeds.
And she is guarded by her male half as she wandered through the roses.
On the edge of the shed roof birds queue up for the feeders - a place I think might be very vulnerable to a passing sparrowhawk. Here a cock tree sparrow and a greenfinch.
Meanwhile there are fledgelings everywhere, waiting in shrubs and on fences to be fed.
One joy of a garden is having flowers in the house especially pinks with their wonderful scent.
Lovely photos and haven`t the pinks been good this year?