Sunday 10 September 2017


Nothing to do with music - just made 6 jars of rhubarb and ginger jam for R (she'e the one who eats it) and have four pounds (about 2 Kg) of red currants defrosting for jelly. (Can't eat lamb without red currant jelly and mint sauce.)

Plums are almost over so waiting for the damsons and apples to ripen. Beetroot a bit chewed by slugs but rescued enough to pickle some.

And then made redcurrant jelly with the last of last year's crop.

Autumn is definitely in the air and the garden seems to be waiting for the go ahead to sleep. The jays are burying nuts so they feel the change and the martins are gathering before leaving us until April. Looking out of my study window the big old ash has a few dead branches and I wonder if I should get in the tree surgeon to lop them off before they fall?

These are the chairs and table R got from John Lewis - for breakfast? Sadly it seems to be mostly wet or cold at the present.

Then there is the wind spinner I bought at a garden centre at Hadnall near Whitchurch on the way back from Herefordshire. I have moved it about a bit trying to find the best place to get the two wheels turning in opposite directions - and has ended up amongst the agapanthus.

The feeder area outside my window has been inundated by goldfinches, one even perched on the top of Doc's head.

The Hydrangea Annabelle has enormous heads - much bigger than I have seen elsewhere. The trouble is when it rains they are so weighed down they lie on the ground.

And still the roses bloom - Emma Hamilton in full show.

R wants me to try and freeze chives for the winter so has had a go. I do not know whether to freeze them dry or in water - we will see.

I blog on even though it seems so trivial compared to N Korea and the USA sliding slowly over the precipice. It needs a strong woman 
to take Don Trump and Kim Jong-un (Wrong-un), put them over her knee and give them a good spanking - trouble is they might like it? Things get dangerous when the boys' toys are missiles and H Bombs.

And then as R says, "I haven't seen a grey squirrel for ages, do you think they've gone?" This appears on the shed roof outside my window.

Tree rats!


  1. Terrified of rats and yet I like squirrels. I cannot explain that. Perhaps if I were troubled with the latter in my garden I may dislike them equally. Thank you for continuing the Blog in spite of difficulties.

  2. I freeze my chives. The simplest way is to wash and dry them, then chop (or snip with scissors) and freeze. I use Keck jars for easy access. Unless you've packed them quite wet or have tamped them down, they'll stay separated.

  3. It's me again. :) Forgot to say that blogging about your garden and local wildlife is NOT trivial. You are giving pleasure to others with your lovely photos and your brief, charming essays. Surely we have more than enough news outlets and "issues" bloggers, so please don't apologize for what you have been offering.
