Tuesday 27 April 2021


 So, here I am sitting inside the garden room with the doors wide open and a gust of wind fills the place with cherry confetti, petals everywhere.

Today is Saturday an it is warm - 20C and the garden is watered.

I have moved most of the seedlings from the top shed top the Wendy House by the pond and watered them too.

The air is full of goldfinches. 

Some trees are in leaf like this cercidphyllum on the left, unlike the old ash clad in ivy and an old  Rambling Rector rose on the right. This will be the last photo of daffodils as they are going over, R has decided to be economical with deadheading, hoping they will seed.

Except for this photo.

We have blossom, Victoria Plum and greengage, magnolia stellata, blackthorn, weeping silver pear and wild cherry.

One plant that delights us is the pink rhododendron from Matlock Bath whose scent pervades everywhere and the three yellow azaleas.

The later flowering camellias are also lovely, I just wish they were scented then they would be amazing.  

Elsewhere there are tulips, green alkanet from Plockton, kingcups by the stream, humble daisies in the lawn, ferns beginning to uncoil their croziers.

Not all flowers are yellow white - the quince, odd tulip and flowering currant are in full glory.

An evening walk by the pond, no sign of tadpoles but a large newt plugging through the weed. No sign of the house martins nor swallows yet and the garden is so dry. At least it allows me to postpone the mowing.
I sometimes muse on what old friends would think of the garden, those we have lost, and Stephen S springs to mind - I think he would have loved it.

Still April though and what does April usually bring? (Though little this year).

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