Sunday 29 May 2022


So we have solved the problem about what has been eating our herbaceous plants. R suggested rabbits, I said deer. We were both wrong and the wildlife camera solved it -

Is that two sheep?
No actually at least four sheep.

They had squeezed under the back fence by the cattle grid, pushed aside a big plank that was blocking their way and had a feast. We will have to take new measures to deter them.
So I set up the camera just to check if my defences were good enough - !

I think I will need to go to the zoo and get some tiger poo.

Let me get back to gardening, slugs and nematodes, rabbits and pigeons.

The bank below the house has good shape and tone contrast now it is reaching maturity. Just have to pull weeds everytime I walk past.

The cardoon is thriving and the crambe next to it will soon be in spectacular flower. There are camassias all over the place and this white one growing through a haze of fennel is particularly attractive - will save seed.

We do not have a laburnum in the garden but here is the next best thing

Yes, flowers on the sycamore - a pity it self seeds so much.

No sign of hankies on our Davidia but it is only 16 years old.  Have planted out, a bit late as they were getting leggy, the cosmos.

So, weeeeeeeding and hoeing and planting cauliflower and turnip seedlings and mowing and so onning (and Liverpool cannot get the ball in the net).

We have rain and when it is more than drizzle it washes the air so we can see for miiiiiiiles.

When the gardener comes he is going to strim the lower banking as R and a neighbour have decided to have a Platinum Jubilee celebration at the house - a Jacob's Join. This will mean the big clump of comfrey will go. I suppose it saves me submerging it on a bucket and letting it rot until it forms a dark sticky mess (stinky too) to use as a plant feed. My right hand is tingling as, when weeding around the blackcurrants, I grabbed a handful of goosegrass and then discovered a big nettle in the middle. 😒
So on with the tidying and etc. I put the camera on a fence post by the gate and, guess what, the sheep are wondering what I am up to!

So we are almost into June and the longest day approaches - and the temperature hardly gets above 13C.
What happened to Global Warming?
And where are the swallows and house martins?
And why don't Putin and Boris do a job swap?
On second thoughts perhaps not!

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