Tuesday 15 November 2022


Warmest night on record in Edinburgh but who has any faith in self interested politicians doing anything meaningful in Egypt?

We still have autumn leaf colour though the euonymus and acers are done.

I remember that the best colours used to be in the third week of October. Now it is the second week in November and no sign of a frost yet. But we have had so much rain the lawns are spongy and sodden.

There are some flowers still going - a rose and a dahlia here (thanks J for the latter). I keep deadheading the cosmos but it is now a losing battle.

So for some autumn leaves - liquidambar


Guelder Rose


But even after all the leaves have fallen there is interest - this is the tangle of ivy stems on a fallen ash - the weight of the ivy may well have contributed to the demise of the tree.

It is important through the winter to appreciate shrubs with continuing colour like the rosemary and pittosporum, other greys and variegations.

Today is Tuesday and last night and this morning it RAINED!! Water ran down the roads in torrents, not helped by the fact all the drains are blocked - we need a lengthsman.

There are so many World cups going on at the moment in sport - rugby, cricket and football - that I have been desperately recording on the tv box. They always go into overkill with their schedules. Why the BBC cannot just give the redundant Channel BBC4 over to sport and get rid of the endless repeats of old programmes I do not know. Then at least there would be an alternative (though probably some ancient comedy).

I have a new camera - only a Nikon D3500 - I know now out of date but does the job, well, I thought it would until I tried to convert the RAW images and my ancient computer did not want to. So now I need a new iMac (and a decent iPhone).

I did go in the garden and cut back old perennials - using the hedge trimmer worked a treat yet it is quite heavy. And I still have to cart the stuff to the compost heap.

Wait, a bit of sunshine but still raining - nip out and a rainbow over the back field.

In the garden it is time to collect up the cherry leaves - again!

R wants a cuppa.

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