Saturday, 10 June 2023


 We are sitting outside the kitchen in the shade and its is 28C. We are in need of rain and fortunately have a borehole so I can water the garden a bit.

The mower (the little one) has decided to stop and is going in to be seen to.

The May blossom is over as is the hedge parsley - suddenly everywhere, then over. Here are a few images of it at its best -

There is still a little hedge parsley in the garden - I let it sow itself (up to a certain point).

The aquilegias are going to seed and will need cutting back but I will leave them till they have scattered some of their seed. R likes the pale pink ones best.

The wilder areas are doing well, campion in the wood and ragged robin in the grassy bottom garden.

The rhubarb has collapsed in the heat and despite watering will need to be pulled for a new crop.
Elsewhere we have poppies, alliums and camassias on the way to the wood and the elder, unpruned this year has GROWN and is covered in flower. (? fritters)

This is one of the stalwarts of the perennial garden, geranium x magnificum, on the dry banking below the house and elsewhere.
Geraniums are always a good bet to do well.

So Boris is gone (for now)(wait for the memoirs)(though what he will remember might not be what everyone else remembers), and Donald is swinging his clubs at anything and everything - why these two are unable to the a good look at themselves is beyond me.

Time for a bit of 'do unto others' in the world.

Think it is lunch time so off to the kitchen for a sandwich and a cuppa.

And another stag night.

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