Friday 24 May 2024


 Where does it all come from? We go away for a week to Scotland and when we come back it looks like the garden has exploded.

Camassias out, apple blossom, forget-me-nots going over, calendulas coming on . . . .

The aquilegias are everywhere despite thinning last year and the broccoli has gone to flower. Rather attractive though, perhaps we should grow it as a flowering plant?

Up in the wood the bluebells are done and the red campion and pignut are taking over. And we do have rhododendron ponticum from a previous owner but not on the scale of the hills on the way down to Lochbuie on Mull. Should they be removed?

We even have white campion as a wild variation. And we have rain and the lawn is too soggy to cut, now getting rather long. The asparagus has grown four feet tall in one week so cute it back and hope for a bit of a crop. ~I have just got some new crowns and these will need to go in with the hollyhocks I potted up. All in all we are rapidly becoming a woodland garden. No doubt R will soon be calling in the Tree surgeons to open things up.

Abundance is the word.

The glorious beauty bush, kolkowitzia, is flowering as is the elder.

And as I walk around the garden I see water lilies in flower, big orange oriental poppies and the blue comfrey.

One plant that loves the rain is the rhubarb and it is flourishing again.
There are one or two ash trees with dieback around but not our grand old tree. (Not yet).

So now after a holiday it is time for weeeeeeeeeeding.