Sunday 21 March 2021


Spring is here, sunshine and daffodils, primroses and first leaves. Must get to a barber when I can and it is allowed. If the government saw my hair they would be opening a barber straight away.

Best of all wild daffodils -

The veg beds are raked, the pond is skimmed for algae (growing fast as the water warms up) chippings placed where paths have become muddy but the mowers are not yet back - so I cannot mow - even if I wanted to. 
Euphorbias are flowering and the Wulfenii that was flattered by the gales has started to grow upwards again - I should have staked it.

We have lots of white plants beginning to flower including the white daffodils across the stream in the wood - the Clematis armandii I thought was dead, violas, comfrey and pulmonaria let alone the winter flowering honeysuckle.

And of course other colours - crocuses, camellia, tulips and flowering currant, the other pulmonaria.

In the house the canna lily is exploding with orange - R's favourite colour.

Of course there has been a bit of gardening going on - a bit. The cutting bed has been spruced up and I have replanted the old herb pot with thyme, violas and a gardenia.

The willow in the bottom garden may need to be pollarded now. And the birds are getting fat - well they should be on the amount of sunflower seed they are consuming. They are picky and any seed they discard falls into the waiting maw of the pheasant. Squirrels and pigeons also wait for dropped offerings along with chaffinches that seem to like ground feeding more than clinging on to a swinging feeder.

So we wait for our second jab to stave off the virus though here we have had no cases in the last week. It has been suggested that social distancing and masks may need to be used for a few years - cannot see that happening, British too stroppy in the long run. Our Scottish holiday hangs by a thread of Harris tweed, everything crossed.

So the garden is tidy (ish) and here is a lazy man's collection of things not put away outside the kitchen door.
Yeh! Yeh! I will get to it one day.

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