Monday 18 April 2022


 Yesterday we sat out in the garden for lunch in the sunshine, this morning as I went out to prune, belatedly, one of the hydrangeas I found the temperature has dropped 10C to remind me that the danger of frost is far from over.

The daffs are going over but they have looked great.

Concern over frosts and blossom always emerge at this time of year and I fear for the damsons and especially the greengage - we are a bit far north for the latter.

The stars of the garden are, apart from the trees, white honesty, flowering currant, fritillaries and the wild flowers like celandines and wood anemone.

I. saw several newts in the pond and the jay was back in the garden as was the greater-spotted woodpecker (though I have heard it drumming for a while).

Other plants doing well are the self sown white comfrey and we have flowers on the rosemary.

The garden never ceases to amaze me, not really organised and planned but just evolved whether the view up the garden or back to the house.

And then I think forwards - there are two spears of asparagus just poking up out of the soil, will we get lots of fruit this year (and if so where do I put it as the freezer is still fairly full from last year)? Will the flower meadow be a grass and reed meadow instead after all the work?

The lambs are out in the track again, the amaryllis are over and R failed to sell or give away at church all the aloe vera plants I potted up, still have four.

The bonfire needs lighting again . . . 

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