Friday, 1 April 2022


Newts in the pond, peacock and Brimstone butterflies, the pheasant still pecking the window though he has also taken to nipping off the flower heads on the Madame Lefebre tulips so I have put them up on a table.

Very dry, today Friday 20.5C and watering the pots.

Monday and 12C, rain.

Thursday and some light snow flurries. Ah! British weather.

Today is Friday again and I am sitting by the garden doors when a stoat with a baby rabbit in its mouth strolls past and up into the wood. Probably storing it. Then it wanders back ignoring me - probably bit big for prey - probably back to the rabbit hole for more.

C and G came to see the garden and C saw our tree creeper which pleased R. Heron on the pond this morning and the fox has been back.

But we are now into blossom weather, the Prunus Shirotae is splendid.

Elsewhere we have camellias out, white honesty on the way down to the pond, the damsons are almost flowering as is the greengage and the Victoria plum is loaded with flowers.

There are swathes of primroses at the wood margin and fritillaries on the banking.

S the gardener has been and the surrounds for the veg beds are completed. I have started to dig and top dress the soil. He has cleared the last of fallen tree stuff from the woodland path but we now have yet another bonfire to try and light.

Having spouted about wildlife earlier the only thing I managed to photo was the cock blackbird enjoying the sun.
I keep feeding the birds and seem to go through a lot of seed - we must have very fat birds here - it is a wonder they can fly.

So let me finish with a few flower pictures -

This is Tom Jackson's flowering currant at the back of the house - we bought the place from him sixteen years ago!

And so to a repeated view from the house up the garden, no straight lines here if I can help it.

All right, not quite done - here is our moorhen on the pond.

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