Tuesday 13 December 2022


 Just have to brass it out I suppose, sitting here with a gilet and a fleece on. (Oh! And a shirt, socks and - well you know.)

Have to remember to feed the birds. There is a clear part of the pond and some running water in the stream. This morning looked out of the window and we had two herons by the pond. This afternoon we had our plastic heron and a white egret!

When the sun does come out it gives little warmth but does brighten up the world. 

Even the frozen veg beds have a sort of geometric appeal - perhaps? There is not much gardening going on and we have just heard that we are being taken off the special offer electricity rate we have had for two years - our electricity costs are doubling.. Time to light the wood burner.

The sun does give backlighting now it is low in the sky - not long to the shortest day.

The fatsia, as usual is covered in flowers but the sedums need tidying up - very dead.

So now I will give you a few photos taken from outside the kitchen doors and if you are reading this in Australia you can chortle away in your comfort. 

So I meet my neighbour walking her dog and wonder what sort of nerve endings the dog has in its paws. It trots along on the frozen ground without a care in the world. Birds' feet too must be numb.

There is supposed to be the Gemini meteorite shower tomorrow night but pessimist me expects it will be cloudy, not that I will get out of my warm bed to look.

R has bought a new hot-water bottle which makes me wonder what ever happened to chilblains? Mmm, should not have asked that, will get a deluge of replies.

I am trying to read a book on Black Holes by Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw but the maths is beyond me. Still has some interesting concepts all of which are not really relevant to my electricity bill.


I sit, time runs down our stream.

We have met before, will again,

but that stream will be another,

with other water, different sound,

and, anyway, one future day

all that I am will dissipate,

cross an event horizon,

sink into the flow of a dark hole.

I assume my subatomic particles

will still exist, my quarks and muons,

neutrinos, protons, neutrons

but I am probably wrong.

And when all the black holes

have fused, become unstable,

will there be a new big bang, 

new universe, another me?

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