Sunday 30 June 2024



We have had three days of warm sunshine but is that it? Now cloudy mizzly and temperatures only in the mid teens.

Plums, damsons and greengages seem scarce but I have been picking blackcurrants and apples look promising.

We have growth from our new asparagus and the wisteria that was moribund has suddenly started sprouting! It may be that our big geranium has also returned from the dead. We watch with interest.

Our ruby wedding tree is half dead and has been severely pruned and the Netto (or was it Lidl) cherry has been cut to the ground - always was a sickly tree.

Some things are just wonderful and the Philadelphus Belle Etoile is covered in flowers and pushing out scent as are the small bed of pinks. Have cut some and they fill the downstairs with from though still prefer the clove smell of Mrs Sinkins.

We have roses and tucked away under a buddleia there is a large allium. I don't remember putting it there but that is nothing new.

All in all everything seems completely out of control and flooding the garden with vegetation.

Apart from that more whites - geranium and risibly thriving.

Than there are the little gems like here the astrantia and geranium Ann Folkard.

I will HAVE to get a fruit cage. when picking the back currants I had to chase away blackbirds from the other currants and the raspberries as they complain I am stealing THEIR food.

So I drink my ginger and turmeric which presumably turns my insides orange, dream of having only a window box and make R another cup of tea as she is out tearing up creeping buttercup, bindweed and goosegrass.

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