Monday 24 June 2024


 For all the colours in the garden, and I include green, white is so important. And the biggest white we have are our Rambling Rector roses, one a mass by the old well and the other to the top of the old ash.

There are more whites - 



Daisy bush,

Philadelphus Belle Etoile,

White rosebay,

And the grey thornless hawthorn we saw first Holker Hall, Ox-eye daisies sown on the upper banking.
So having mentioned whites I suppose we should say a bit about light greys like the cardoon,

the chewed up mullein - taken a handful of moth caterpillars of the leaves, and one of my favourites the variegated horseradish.

Elsewhere we have three grey foliaged tree in the bottom garden - there weeping pear, the poplar and the eucalyptus. In fact despite being blown over in a storm the poplar is now tallest.

So after that what have we been up to? The newish bed with roses is a carpet of creeping buttercup and we have been filling wheelbarrows with it.

The lower banking has been strimmed and I have cut back the vegetation around the pond. Yesterday we had a visitor -

No wonder we have no frogs, toads and newts at the moment - or none I have seen. They might be hiding.

It is so good to have a little warmth and sunlight filtering through the trees.

So, having rabbited on about white and grey here is one of our glorious peonies.

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