Not for long. It is August and struggling to 13C!
The Hydrangea Annabelle is heavy with rain and bent to the ground, the agapanthus are going over, we do have the odd flower on the big magnolia but the old Rosa rubrifolia has been blown sideways.
One thing about the Hydrangea is it does make a good toupee.
Down at the pond R has coerced the gardener into the waders and he has cleared out a lot of the plants in the water, leaving them on the side so the bugs etc can climb back in.
He has also trimmed part of the lower garden though I have to say that despite all efforts the wild flower meadow is more of a bog with yellow pea in it. Where has all the yellow rattle gone?
Still the gunnera flourishes and we have our dragonflies patrolling their flight paths. This, I think, is a Migrant Hawker.
No video this week - left the camera by the pond and the wind blew a bladed of grass black and forth across. There were 546 short videos of the grass moving.
And for some reason known only to itself the rhododendron has begun to flower again.
What should I end with - how about an evening pint of cider by the sea.
Great pic of the dragonfly and the water & drink.