Thursday 24 September 2020


This new blogger is driving me nuts! This is the third time I have written this start, well not this bit but the next bit. 

The lawns are mown with the sit-on but the garden is rough terrain in places and if the grass is damp (or wet) the mower clogs up. I tried all sorts of things over the years including hosing it etc. Finally I have come to use a length of blue alkathene piping to prod out the clog. I got a bit vigorous yesterday and I have cracked some sort of plastic shield for the underside and it doesn't half rattle. Don't ever get a sit on that won't cut damp grass - useless in our climate.

Anyway the broccoli comes on ok and will be ready in February. There is chard in the same bed and in the distance parsley - R only likes the flat leaved version. Elsewhere the courgettes marrow on but the winter spinach only got to the autumn before going to seed.

I have just received three packets of wild flower seed, especially the yellow rattle, and will be turning some of the lower grass into a wildflower meadow (though knowing me it will be a mess of thistles and docks.


The rose on the shed just flowers and flowers - glorious and birds have sown sunflowers all over the place - not huge but they light up dark corners, as do the calendulas.

At the rear of the house by the retaining wall the helianthus lightens a dark autumn area and thrives. 

The first signs of autumn come Tuesday - dark, spitting and misty - dampening the grass.

R has me picking chard, spinach, courgettes, mint, parsley and chives - in  fact anything I can find. It is time to make "Stuff soup". Any old leftovers still edible will do, peas from the fridge, surplus cooked veg. When liquidised it takes on a nondescript brown colour, she eats it, I find the taste a bit too nondescript.

The bars are to shut at 10 pm for the virus - not something that worries us too much as R is often asleep in front of the tv by 9 and I hardly drink (alcohol) nowadays. 😴

I have been on the Sarah Raven website again - ordering sweet pea seeds for autumn sowing, white camassias and some tulips.

On a grey afternoon I clear the path at the back of the pond, flag iris getting out of hand, take the two lowest branches off the big eucalyptus, turn the old compost heap and finally light the bonfire whilst it is still dry(ish). I find an old bird nest in the undergrowth - though I have passed it many times I did not know it was there. Then to check the horse chestnut tree for conkers but there are none. R wanted some to deter clothes moths.

Wednesday and sunny during the early day, rained in the night. S the gardener is strimming the lower banking, the stream and long grass ready for preparation for the wild flower meadow. For me - the dentist and later a flu jab. A lot of grass taken off.

I have planted a gunnera in the boggy bit that trapped my mower. That should sort out any need to cut grass there as it will become enormous, and love the damp conditions.

And now a picture of compost for L and G after I dug it over.

Posted these on Facebook - where the plums and apples had fallen the local wildlife has moved in and gone scrumping -

Well that was fun, all we need now is an orca in the pond.

Thursday - raining, cold, dark, the an hour respite at 10am. Just when I think we have had enough wildlife I look up from the keyboard and there is a nuthatch on the paving outside the window.

And now, as if the new Blogger is not driving me scatty I find it no longer supports the Safari on my old iPad (and I cannot update it). Time to send them a bill?

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