Friday 13 December 2019


Yeh, yeh, everyone here has had enough of the truths, half truths and plain lies, enough of ridiculous promises, leaders in hiding because someone might ask an awkward question or they might make a silly mistake. We have seen that happen - so many spokespeople have now become silent after sticking a walking stick in their spokes and coming a cropper - where is Rees-Mogg? (or Lord Snooty from the Beano comic?) (For those who have not had the pleasure of reading The Beano search the web and select images.)

So we have been gardening - when it is fine.
R has weeded the asparagus bed and I have cleared old stuff from the banking in front of the house. The sprouts are looking good and I have found some cyclamen beneath a cherry tree I had forgotten we had.

The pond does not look too bad but is in dire need of a clear up - I have just not got there yet.

There are still flowers around - yellow buddleia, roses and sedum spectabilis. There were some lavender but I have clipped them back and they are now on the enormous heap of compost material.

One shrub, well rather we have two, that seems to like flowering in the winter is the Fatsia - should we put decorations on it, perhaps flashing lights?

The last of the ox-eye daisies I had potted up are now planted under the white birches. The idea is to have an undergrowth of wild daffodils in the spring and, later on, the daisies. 
The new rose bed is tidied and ready for the well rotted horse muck - if I ever get around to doing it.

 The buds are formed on the magnolia yet the hips on the rosa rugosa are shrivelled and weary.

And as we near the shortest day the rain comes and comes.

Friday the thirteenth is here 😒, a touch of despair at the election result. I always thought the mark of a civilised nation was how it cared for the less fortunate members of its society so I am watching you Boris.
Now we will leave the EU, having disposed of our senses, and we will count the homeless on the streets, the performance of the NHS, noting how many use the food banks, die of drugs etc etc.
R is already contemplating applying for her Irish passport and if Scotland votes to leave the UK, it might look an attractive alternative.

Enough - we still have a garden - I have been raking debris from the streams and drains, cutting back shrubs and roses and still shaking my head.

Never mind, now I am going to make us a nice cup of tea,

1 comment:

  1. I have read that Boris is another Donald. I sure how you all fare better than we have.
